many times when people think they're sled is down on power it is actually due to dirty or unproperly set up clutches and or worn down or incorrect belts. jmo.
whosthatguy- just throwing it out there that every compression gauge reads a bit diff. 145 on yours might be 125 on mine, or even further off than that. main thing to look for is that both cylinders are close. 145 is a bit much to ask imo, especially at higher elevations.
Last time my sled was not running well, my primary clutch was in need of weight bushings. The old Clymer service manual I had for an Indy 500 said clutching is usually the culprit of an issue too.
I've been interested to know what altitude and at what temperature whosthatguy's 145psi r
equirement for a healthy motor comes from as he posts it on every engine related thread. My POS compression gauge on my warmed up 04' 800 reads 115psi both cylinders 7200' ~30*F. SLP head and SLP twin race pipes. I've never had it run harder, its not low on power at all.
Compression tests only tell you cranking compression, not dynamic compression that is achieved during running when scavenging really becomes effective, and that's all that really matters. Thats why wild port jobs or switching to twins can lead to low cranking compression but still run like a mutha. Low cranking compression and wicked dynamic compression.
In short, compression tests are good for comparing health of cylinders relative to one another, don't want to see more than a 5% difference between cylinders.
You can also use the test to monitor break in of new rings; immediately after rebuild, haven't run motor yet, comp test will be X. Run motor, comp test gives X+y. Once the value of y stops increasing, the rings are seated. That comp reading is your baseline. In the future, if at the same temp/altitude (read: non-corrected air pressure), the comp test begins decreasing, the rings are failing or your losing comp for some reason that isn't good. Its a good tool to use, but is often misunderstood.