Certainly Ouray can phrase things better, but there is a point to his posts that can't be overlooked and if it can't be talked about in a forum post on the exact subject, then I have to ask what the point of the thread is in the first place? Really, it's not that we shouldn't talk about it, the problem here is it's not being done with humility and respect.... and this goes for multiple members... not just Ouray.
This stuff sucks, I mean really sucks, but it is real. This can happen to any of us that travel in avy terrain. We have to be able to have a discussion (whether its here or with our riding group) and learn a thing or two from what transpired and apply that to our own safe avy terrain travel. I don't mean speculation, but real hard facts. CAIC doesn't conduct investigations for entertainment or shock value, it's for educational purposes. Reading final reports of experienced backcountry travelers helps me see the same flaws in my own travels and correct those mistakes that I (and my group) make. We don't just take an avy class and its done, rather, its just the beginning of our education. And as sad as it is, we can all learn something from what happened here. We owe it to our fallen fellow riders (not to mention, our family, friends and each other) to up our game.
I'll leave the details up to the investigators and until they release them, I think this thread needs to chill out.
BTW, it must be said that my thoughts and prayers are with Rob's family and friends and everything I type is meant with due respect.