Its a little off topic I know, but there are quite a few people from the Kenai on here so Im looking for some information. Im going to be taking a trip probably just after Memorial Day to the Cooper Landing and Soldotna/Kenai area. Wont be alone, have two cars full of brothers/gf/and friends coming too. Anyways, we are camping and Im bringing a wheeler and looking for someplace to ride. Hoping for some trails, maybe I could get up into the mountains a little bit. Or just some place to rip around. Any ideas would be appreciated. Im mostly looking for the area north of Cooper Landing as I dont think we will make past Kenai. Can you ride in Turnagain Pass? Or Johnson Pass (is that what its called, just south of Turnagain?)? I used to live in Cooper Landing when I was a kid till i was like 12, so Im a little bit familiar with the area, but its been a while. Thanks.