"Video footage from the United States consulate in Benghazi, Libya, taken the night of the Sept. 11 anniversary attacks, shows an organized group of armed men attacking the compound, according to two U.S. intelligence officials who have seen the footage and are involved in the ongoing investigation. The footage, which was recovered from the site last week by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, offers some of the most tangible evidence yet that a military-style assault took place, according to these officials
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The Obama administration has been studying the videos,
taken from closed-circuit cameras throughout the Benghazi consulate’s four-building compound, for clues about who was responsible for the attack and how it played out.
In addition to the footage from the consulate cameras, the U.S. government is also poring over video taken from an overhead U.S. surveillance drone that arrived for the final hour of the night battle at the consulate compound and nearby annex.
Video from the compound’s cameras debunk the initial line from the Obama administration that there was a protest in front of the consulate on the night of the attacks, according to one of the U.S. intelligence officials who has seen the footage, and a senior Obama administration official familiar with what they show."
Yep, just stay with the youtube version, it's much easier to digest.
I can only pass on what I have heard....and no, you don't know where I've "come up with all this".... it wasn't from Fox or AT...lol I can't provide quotes or links because there are none.
You will probably not hear much of the details of what Mr Stevens went through just like they didn't talk much about what Ghadafi went through as they drug him through the street too. And yes, after the killers were done with him, he was taken to a hospital by some locals. I hope he died of smoke inhalation because it would have been hell to be alive and go through what he did.
Not much is being said about the 4 men arrested and in custody either. At least 1 had previously been in US custody and was released because??
If you think the media has all the details you would be wrong....or just assume I'm lying...lol