Started the install this weekend, only issues so far.. The avid driver on pto side won't go on far enough, short about 3/16, 153 track definitely needs a tunnel ext. Flap is hitting, I have not installed the c3 drive yet. With the 3" 7 tooth driver the track has about 1" of clearance
I do have a question, how much distance between anti-stab and drivers? I have it aprox 1.5, did not trim front of rail yet.
Have pics, will post soon
Sweet! Just got done swapping my 146 rails for 155's. Haven't got the skid in yet to see how the track fits as far as length. I might just trim my flap and tell people not to follow!
i just stretched my 2010 assault to a 155 all i did was extensions and a race tie back on my flap to keep it from going under its just a hole in you flap and a piece of 1 inch, end of a strap and wrapped around the bumper and rivet it in place holds it back