Thanks for the try Snowest, but I thought the discussion was moving along. You guys' passion is understandable, you did not make me cry yet... (joke)
Believe it or not, the future of snowmobiling in WA, to our knowledge from USFS sources, will involve the type of management that we seek regardless of whether WMC ever existed. Should snowmobile riders enter the discussion (note discussion, pissing matches just look bad to the folks that make the rules)? Maybe you guys should talk about this and try to keep it in your interest as much as possible. Or perhaps you could make some valid points. yes, we have a position that we believe in, we like to explian it. We did not come here to surrender, or cause a fight, but to try to talk in a civil fashion that respects each others' uses.
And Mr Moderator, WMC rides snowmobiles (lame fans, yea) about 40 days per year- to go ski backcountry- and our members skitour from 30 to 100 days per season. Only one of our group is very negative about snowmobiles at all, most of us use them. WMC has never advocated shutting out snowmobiles, nor are we against snowmobiles riding offroad.
Our point is, there is not enough to go around, new snowmobiles perform like never before so we see you guys having fun and getting more and more slopes that we ski. So, we want a share reserved, we only climb at a rate on skis of 100 or 2000 vert per hour, you guys do that in a minute. We are asking for a significant area, but we ask for our share. And this Forest Management will be allocated by USFS anyway, not by WMC.
As it is, Snowest just gave me something for the WMC side to take to USFS.
So, WMC is here inviting you guys to talk, and yes, USFS is following Forums with this discussion so talk like you are talking to USFS for your own interest.
What if, after we get over yelling at each other, we started to understand some things about each other? Even slimmer odds, what if we worked something out to take to USFS together? Dream big?
Quite the different tone out of the committee right now... ha ha