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Got a good laugh out of the 2012 Cat 4-stroke and the die hard Cat guys. News flash for Arcitc Cat guys: Yamaha wasen't just adding 100lbs to their sleds just for the hell of it! I have been spending a fair amount of time over there leading up to the 2012 release and was just shaking my head at all these guys thinking this thing was going to weigh the same as a M1000. Cudos for them for jumping in to the 4 Stroke mountain biz and with factory boost to boot, but it weighs 565 dry, and now all the 2-stroke Cat guys are saying things like, "well with aftermarket parts it should be easy to take off alot of weight". For the last 5 years they have been saying things like "The Nytro sucks without spending a fortue on lightweight parts." LOL. There is no magic to building a light 4-stroke, it takes $$$ that the factories so far are not willing to try to get people to pay for.