We have been doing long term oil evaluation for several years, it truly comes down to preference and availability with regard to stock sled application. Without getting into volumes of specific data, this might help you decide.
The Dominator (37.95/g) has more scuff protection but builds a bit on the power valves.
The Interceptor (32.49/g) is cleaner but lacks the scuff protection of its big brother.
The APV (42.95/g) is cleaner than either and has much better scuff protection than the Interceptor.
Blue marble (36.95/g) leaves power valves cleaner than any of the above mentioned and arguably the best scuff protection, however is gooey (for lack of better term), leaves everything with a waxy residue and seems to prone to allowing some degree of ring blow by.
Legend ZX2SR (??.??/g) Hands down the best we tested, in every category. except availability.
Torco fell somewhere between APV and Interceptor.
These are grossly generalized explanations, tests performed on late model Arctic Cat sleds through calibrated factory injection systems only.