what the heck?
All right, this is a significant thought to get straight before the snow flies!
To get best performance without going to the route of upgrading the system to the new MCX specs, a guy almost has to carry a GPS to grab altitude information, a chart of boost vs. altitude, and tweak from there?
The other way if I am reading this all right is to go get my boost gage zero'd at sea level , and just aim for 12psi gage pressure everywhere we go. It will read some vacuum when the engine is off at altitude, then just shoot for 12psi using the manual boost controller.
Thanks for the info, really has me thinking that I wasn't running my sled near as hard as I could have been - like leaving quite a bit of power on the table.
sea level absolute pressure = 14.7 psi
6000 ft altitude absolute pressure = 11.8 psi <--we ride around here a lot.
Delta = 14.7-11.8 = 2.9 psi
I am having trouble posting etc, sorry for these partial posts...
This is all based on the kit being capable of 12psi at sea level.....A guy should be able to zero his guage at sea level, then adjust to 12psi everywhere you go. Anyhoo feel free to correct me/school me/beat me up/etc.
Anyone wanna check my math?