Monte, you better be careful calling the 'chicks' sally's!! heehehhehe.... I'm a 661 girl but it's not perfect... like everyone said, I hate that it rides up and doesn't protect the lower ribs... I'm tall and HATE where the vest hits me but most of them do that so I've gotten used to it. I actaully started wearing my 661 under my jersey riding dirt as well and i was wondering if i could pass along MORE VENTING as a comment dunno if or how it would be done but i noticed it in spring riding too... I prefer to throw the jacket on for warmth, not have the coresaver be my warmth...
I can't stand any of the other vests... I've gone over the bars a few times, HARD, a lot harder than sally usually does so don't bring her into this!!
and I've never broken anything.... I'm not a HUGE fan of body armour though... In my mind there is such a thing as overdoing it, even when safety is concerned... (long story and I hope no one reads into that the wrong way or jumps me about it... this heat has made people pretty pissy so I fully expect to get lectured about saftey here!) hahahahha
Edit: Just finished reading your post about the safety gear and how you feel it can be overdone. my thoughts exactly (among others) but it was too hot for me to organize my thoughts and post it!
I can't stand any of the other vests... I've gone over the bars a few times, HARD, a lot harder than sally usually does so don't bring her into this!!
Edit: Just finished reading your post about the safety gear and how you feel it can be overdone. my thoughts exactly (among others) but it was too hot for me to organize my thoughts and post it!
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