Generally speaking most everything else in life goes pretty well for me....fantasy football....NOT! I'm thinking of making a business out of bribing NFL Pro-Bowl QB's and RB's to NOT select them on my fantasy team so that they will actually stay healthy and or #1 on the depth chart. I'm five for five on QB's for either a catastrophic injury or performance meltdown and now it's starting to infect my RB's too!
Here check this out..these two plus an entire roster of guys rated top 10% production at their POS
D Anderson QB Browns 08 pro bowl #5 rated fantasy producer BENCHED for fricking the pud Brady Quinn then hurt out for season. Same line-up plus on a perenial play-off team..opps Rob's on em...DUMPSTER
LT RB Chargers pro bowl top fantasy RB for three years running perenial play-off team in soft running league should score a million rushing TD's plus the double bonus for yards and 50 yard TD's. A LOCK, A FANTASY IRONHORSE, A SINGLE PLAYER WHO CAN CARRY YOUR TEAM TO THE PLAYOFFS, MORE VALUABLE THEN THE T BRADY R MOSS COMBO...and I spent most of my bank roll to get him AND DID..well team sucks..turf toe hits..nobody blocks anymore because they all hate Norv T and suddenly the Chargers are on vacation and LT looks like he should retire! Hey LT this is a keeper me say....$500,000 and I'll put you back in the pool so you can complete your hall of fame career. NO're gonna be selling TV's, Campbell's soup, and doing side line interviews for ESPN 2 sucka!
Now get this...I've been offered a 50% ownership in a high dollar fantasy baseball draft league team that meets in Vegas in March. It's a pretty big deal as you have to be invited and excepted by an elite group of smarties who delutionally think they are actually real MLB owners and act almost as conceeded. I'm thinking about trying my new business model there as well. I get an A-ROD, Sabathia, or Manny R type guy and I'll never work again!