Plenty.. if not most owners of airframes have done it without adhesive.
When I first outlined to Christopher the supplies and methods he would need to do this on his Nytro.. he took the idea and ran with it.
You have seen his excellent thread on this in the Yami section.
The adhesive is not necessary, but it ads significant rigidity and strength to the tunnel and running board assembly as a unit..
When you use just rivets, there are stress risers that peak at each rivet location... use a fair amount of rivets to help distribute the load across a wider area.
Also, be liberal in what you leave behind on the tunnel past the roll after you cut off the old running boards... you only get one shot at this... measure twice, cut once.
The Lord 406 adhesive is amazing stuff... if you want to remove the boards next year... simply drill out your rivets (you will use less than you would without the adhesive) and gently warm (carefully) with a propane torch or heat gun and the adhesive will release...
IMO...The adhesive method will give you a more durable sled and tie everything together as a unit.