Just like it says, thinking of leaving my Powderclaw track clipped every other window and running it on my TApex with Avid extro's. Anybody tried it? Did you wish you hadn't?
I dont have boost...however every track that I have run not FULLY clipped seem to go thru hyfax quick. Rubber or steel rubbing on the hyfax...steel is way more slick, Also I believe its hard on your drivers as said above, sorry just thinking out loud. Dino
I've put 1000 or so miles on my track that is clipped every other one and the track looks fine, but my drivers look a little worn but that is a consequence of boost in my opinion
Should be fine. Get some good Avid drivers and from what I have seen, they will need replaced about every 2000 miles because boost is just harder on the drive train. Run some Redline Ultra light shock proof gear oil for chaincase oil and that'll keep your chain and sprockets happy.