I am writing this wonderring if anyone is having any luck with their Mirage Snowmobile trailer? I bought mine a year and a half ago and have had nothing but problems with it since day one. Here's my list of problems so far in no particular order 1. My brakes fell apart on the way home from the plant in Boise, Id I'm still waiting for them to help out in any way at all there!! 2. My fender is falling off the outside of the trailer and they tell me it is too expensive to fix it properly -- they mounted it incorrectly putting the mounting screws into thin air and they told me to just add more, because I'd love to have a bunch of extra screws and empty holes all over my fender where they mounted it incorrectly. 3. The factory installed propane tank for my furnace under the side of my trailer fell off onto the highway and drug by the hose until I saw it, apparently it's too expensive to ship me a new tank or pay to have it mounted better, I guess one bolt per end spot welded to the frame is plenty to hold a 50lb steel bottle from falling off. after about 5000 km. 4. I have a loaded High Mark Package and it comes with a really handy work bench and sitting bench that are falling apart because they turn out to be very flimsy as well. 5. My axle was made incorrectly the rubber was installed to far in on the torsion axle thus creating an allignment issue shredding my one rear tire also not covered because neither Mirage or GDC axle make any mistakes when producing these. 6.My wheel seals are leaking terribly causing the brake shoes to get oil soaked and rendered useless 7. The factory supplied Fuel pump barely works at all and apparently their new trailers have better pumps but they won't give you the upgrade at all.
Just some crap mine has given me so far I am curious if anyone else has had similar problems with theirs??
Just some crap mine has given me so far I am curious if anyone else has had similar problems with theirs??