The collar bone, or clavicle, is supposedly the most commonly broken bone in the body. I broke mine back in college and it hurt pretty bad the first few days after it happened. Actually, muscle atrophy about 4 weeks later was almost more painful than the break itself. It seems like everybody nowadays has surgery on every broken bone. I suspect that this is just to screw insurance companies out of more money and make healthcare more expensive. Mine wasn't even lined up straight and the broken ends weren't even touching together, but it healed up fine without surgery. It's a crooked mess with a big ball of healing material, but it's stronger than from the factory so I don't mind. Even though I rebroke the early healing tissue about a week and a half after it happened, I was still good to go a little before 6 weeks from the original break date. Thank you dairy farmers for all the delicious calcium your cows have produced for me over the years!