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Any real DEEP / STEEP in Mich. anywhere ?

Hey guys , I,m from Ia. and we (my group of guys ) normally head to Wyo. twice a year to find the deep & steep , but we're getting tired of the 15 - 20 hr trip one way. So my question is ; is there anywhere that mountain riders with 800 & 1000cc sleds with 151 & 162 x 2.5 paddle tracks can go in Mich. and have a great time ? We would like to get stuck once and awhile and possibly find something too steep to climb along with some nice jumps. We have heard some great things about Michigan and would love to sled there , just don't want to spend the whole trip looking for something that might not be there , I,m looking for direction so if there is or is not something there for me please tell me --THANK YOU for your help.
Dec 3, 2007
What XRATED said! sometimes its deep too. Late march around the Mt Arvon area and the Peshekee river once it gets drifted over is pretty good but it's NOT out west.I prefer the Huron Mt. range when I ride Mi.
Nov 9, 2008
Milwaukee, WI
Word has it Twin Lakes got around 24in in the past 24 hours!!! There is plenty steep and if you’re anything like me you’ll have no problem getting stuck. You just have to get good at weaving through trees and not mind running over the occasional 1-3 incher. Snow isn’t as reliable in MI as opposed to out west, but right now **** is going down up there.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
The snow up there can be epic. When we've gone we rode out of Ishpeming (i think thats how you spell it) and never had a problem finding enough snow to get stuck in. But you just gotta ask yourself, "do I want to drive 10 hours and hope you have a good time, or drive 16 hours and KNOW you'll have good time".

high time

Well-known member
Nov 28, 2007
Duluth, MN
Just as steep as out West........

The power lines from Bergland to Rockland or Mass City are a real challange. for any mountain sled. Some of those hills don't get climbed.......till I arrive anyway. Yeah, Twin Lakes got 24'' but that was on top of a 28'' base. Ya like to get stuck?

Feb 10, 2008
its a different challenge up here in the UP for climbing. Its sometimes steep but very challenging for picking a line. Nothing like outwest but we ride twin lakes behind our camps and its pretty deep now.


Active member
Lifetime Membership
May 29, 2008
Fargo, ND
i'm heading up to the twin lakes area at the end of the month. how is the offtrail riding? any fresh powder left?
Dude, it hasn't stopped snowing for any length of time in about three weeks now....if not more.

40-50 on the ground. I don't think you could go anywhere Houghton or Keweenaw counties and not find powder.

hasnt snowed out here (colorado) for like 3 weeks.50 degree weather and the snow SUCKS!! :mad:any new snow at this point is just going to cover the crappy SUGAR.:mad::mad::mad: WE NEED MULTIPLE DUMPS before the ridding is good again. i think winters over. time for summer storage.:(:(
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Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
End of the Road!!
The snow up there can be epic. When we've gone we rode out of Ishpeming (i think thats how you spell it) and never had a problem finding enough snow to get stuck in. But you just gotta ask yourself, "do I want to drive 10 hours and hope you have a good time, or drive 16 hours and KNOW you'll have good time".

it takes you 10hrs to drive to the yooper? should be 5to6 at best we make it to ironwood in 4 from st paul:beer;:)
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