Paul... I heard this same story directly from Boss two years ago... then again last year ... and again this spring.
When Boss ACTUALLY has a photo of even their first seat (proto).... I'll believe it.
They told me that I would have one "in MY hands" in two weeks.... two years ago.
I WOULD like to see this happen... dont get me wrong... but Boss' track record is not that good.
Significant weight savings...the stock one is hardly there to start with...
Significant, to me would be 2-3 lbs less than stock.
More important would be better storage, better material in both durability and grip an their other options and DELIVERY ON TIME!!
Please post photo of the actuall weight on the same weight scale of the Boss seat and the stock seat with compararable parts that it may replace...
EG.. if the boss seat replaces the stock seat AND the rear support AND the polaris underseat bag... post that Up..
$399 is still a lot of Coin IMO, Their other seats were overpriced IMO for what you got.
They also need to offer a performance guarantee on ordering... like you will get $50 off of the final price if they dont deliver by a certain PRE-season date.
Also, Boss should not make thier dealers pay in full until the seats are ready to ship.
I dont mean for this to come off as 'harsh'... but, IMO, given Boss' track record in the aftermarket AND OEM... they need to step up to the plate and be MUCH better at customer service, manning the phones and delivering product than they have in the past.