Busy this weekend around the house, but KC was talking about a Fathers Day ride up Ladybird? Then he said maybe around June 7th? Let me know when/if you guys go. Definitely going to wait 'til we can drive to Fry's crossing before heading back there, felt sorry for my skiis on Sunday!
How's the creek crossing up Goose this time of year? Surprised the club hasn't built a bridge there yet.
As for Meadow, that's really tempting, let me know when. You guys staying the the Windsor or camping it?
around the 7th yeah,theres one brigde up goose but the second creek is probley 6'' deep with 20 feet aross...
meadows probley a day trip,i also heard baldface is awesome right now!
i hope my motor will be in soon? so i can brake it in,hopefully revy is doable on june 26th!?? my birthday.... that would be sweet