Still kinda odd the only people chiming in for you either sell the Evops kit or represent them or have little to no seat time on it. Personally I wouldn't over look the other kits out there. Some of the other kits have real seat time from day to day consumers those are the people you want to here feedback from. If u want feedback from myself or the group I ride with I will be happy to provide you with some. We all ride the same kit. With a full season of hard riding on them. I do not ride a Evops kit. Would like to ride with one but just haven't seen any out there.
The boost-it kit has a lot of great reviews. I don't know if I have ever seen anything bad said about them.. I was going to buy it this year but after talking to Neil I've decided a 190 kit would be best for me. I ride at 2500ft - sea-level. Anyone 5000 feet and higher is a little silly not to have a boost it kit if you ask me. Not saying anything bad about the rest..