His screen name is shanny on here, shoot him a PM & hear it from him.
He's popped on here & said the same thing a number of times.
One thing that lots of guys just don't seem to get, the shorter track carries significantly higher track speed, also if you don't understand the difference between the stock 07 track & a PC track, you don't belong in this conversation.
I'm not a guy who has an ego about "how badass my sled is", I made this thing to be a fun toy, not to be the baddest thing on the hill. I've had that sled & it took the fun out of things, nothing was a challenge anymore. After getting this sled built though, we were extremely impressed & surprised with how well it climbs.
You wanna call bulls^*t, I could care less... ride a sled with a 141 PC compared to a 153 challenger... then come talk.