You sir are sadly mistaken. As the man in charge, the one who holds the reigns, you are 'ultimately' responsible. That is where you fail, your unwillingness to take that responsibility on. You have much to learn Chris.
I am not offended, more disappointed. For me to sit idly by watching a community broken up, a community i belonged to. And then to have you come in and laugh openly about it. You laughed about it, oh yes you did. Well that would make me, as you. I no longer am on this forum actively, not because I don't value the relationships i had with the peeps here. But because I will not encourage nor reward your behavior.
With that I'm done, thought I saw a ray of light here. I am seemingly mistaken. I'll post no more, if you think what you say is truth, you fool even yourself.
As always my best,
I can take/accept responsibility for a lot of things that did, and do, and yet will happen on SnoWest.
But the nuclear meltdown that occurred that night in the AK forum was not one of them. I wasn't there. I didn't participate in it. Those were all grown adults who knew very well exactly what they were doing, and couldn't possibly be surprised by what happened as a result of it. And in all seriousness, by the time I arrived on the scene of the disaster, the plane had already crashed into the mountainside.
If you want me to accept the ultimate responsibility for any and all unhappiness that resulted from the conversion of SnoWest from totally free to partially paid, so be it. I am fine with that. My job is/was to implement the changes to the forum at the behest of the owners, so in the end, I suppose that falls squarely on my shoulders.
I am sorry that you have chosen to leave, and for the most part become a non-contributing "lurker" on SnoWest instead. If that is your way of punishing me, it only hurts your friends in reality.
SnoWest HAS changed.
SnoWest WILL continue to change.
SnoWest will contract, and SnoWest will expand.
It will never be what it was, it is becoming something new and different.
SnoWest is evolving...
You will always find the door is open to you LA, even if all you choose to do is to come in and look around, you will always be welcome here.