A can of out dated chili is still chili even if it expired 3 years ago.
COMMON SENSE people, COMMON SENSE. The original example was perfect. Same coat same guy.
The guy was 96 years old. He probably never thought to check his license for the expiration because he didnt drive any more and in his day (the good old USA), ID was not required like it is today. We are turning into Germany before are very eyes. "Papers Please"
When Social Security was started it was "promised" that it would never be used as ID. In fact, if you look at older peoples cards it says right on it "not to be used for ID purpose" I am not sure when that was stopped being printed on the cards. In Idaho you now have to provide your SS# to even get a fishing license.
Fact is that each generation is being dumbed down to accept a little bit more govt control. Now a days we dont even question when we get asked for ID. We get some internet jockey actually defending the govt's lack of common sense and supporting the ID rules that are increasing!
Look how they did it with taxes...
When the federal govt was first started we did not have one single federal tax. All the taxes were for and by the individual states. It took the feds two whole years before they realized they could make money and started a whiskey tax. That didnt go over well and the farmers had what is called the 'whiskey rebellion" and ended up tarring and feathering the tax collector. I bet most people have never heard of this affair compliments of our fine public schools.
Those of us who pay taxes will quickly say that by far the most taxes paid now go to the federal govt. Kind of seems that this is not what the founding fathers had in mind. Actually seems that is what the whole revolutionary war was fought over "being over taxed by a federal power/king". Founders knew that some taxes had to be collected to support armies and pay down the debt that the War had caused. But it was the rights of the states to do so.
gonna stop now before i get too involved...