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Americas Great Outdoors LIstening Session in Seattle



Well-known member
Apr 14, 2005
Creswell, Or

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Opportunity to Have Your Voice Heard on July 1st
ARRA recently sent an alert notifying you that earlier this year President Obama held a conference on America’s Great Outdoors and established the America’s Great Outdoors Initiative to be led by the Secretaries of Interior and Agriculture, the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency and the Chair of the Council of Environmental Quality. The initiative is tasked with reconnecting Americans, especially children, to the outdoors and to receive public input and ideas.
Part of this initiative includes a series of Listening Sessions around the country, including a July 1st session in Seattle, Washington to discuss land conservation, recreation, and reconnecting people to the outdoors in Northwest.
It is vitally important that the Administration hear from you about how you recreate on and enjoy public lands. If you can attend, please take this opportunity make it clear that millions of Americans responsibly enjoy motorized recreation on public lands. If you can not make it to the session you can still submit comments on the America’s Great Outdoors website here: http://ideas.usda.gov/ago/ideas.nsf/
More details about the Seattle Listening Session:
Thursday, July 1, 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Public Listening Session on President Obama’s America’s Great Outdoors Initiative
Franklin High School
3013 South Mount Baker Blvd.
Seattle, Washington, 98144

Representatives from the Department of Interior, Department of Agriculture, Environmental Protection Agency, and Council on Environmental Quality will be present to hear your thoughts and to participate in a conversation with you about land conservation, recreation, and reconnecting Americans to the great outdoors.
Pre-register by Monday, June 28 here: http://www.discovernw.org/agosignup.htm

Americans for Responsible Recreation Access
1152 15th Street, NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20005
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