The biggest reason I purchased a 2012 Pro was that a friend of mine rode 1,000 miles last year and never changed a belt. I was sure I wouldn't be so lucky myself but figured I'd give it a shot. I removed my belt last night at 480 miles and measured it against a new one. To my surprise it only measured .001" thinner than a brand new 321115 "UNBELIEVABLE " to say the least. We rode very hard last week for three days straight loading the crap out of the sled in 40 degree weather. The Pro performed above my expectations and the belt life is icing on the cake. How many miles can be expected under reasonably tough conditions? I've heard some of the 11's wore motor mounts and belt life suffered. I've heard they changed up the mounts a bit for 2012, looks like the motor is staying put so far.