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Alexander Lake Lodge

Newbie to the forum as well as Grand Mesa. We are heading out to Alexander Lake Lodge next Thursday. Curious if anyone can give some insight to the area and what the snow has been like this year? Sounds like a huge area, typically we like to ride through trees and stay off the steep stuff due to bad experiences at Cooke last year.

Any insight is greatly appreciated.
Better make that a couple of storms. I was up there today, had a great burger at the lodge but, the snow is poor. It needs a few more feet of base before it will be really safe off trail.

The good news is that, there are a couple of storms tracking this way. The first should be Mon-Tues, the second towards the end of the week. Do your snow dance:face-icon-small-hap
Man I'm glad it's snowing! We need one of the old fashion 3 footers to get us caught up though.
Don't know what the Mesa ended up with, here in Somewhat County we had four inches. The warm temps in January are sucking down the snow in a hurry. Son and wife rode the east side of the Flattops last week and snow is around three feet on top with little base. We drove back from Pagosa last Sunday evening and Wolf Creek doesn't have a lot. The whole state needs a big dump ASAP.
We had a really good storm last night that put down 9 + inches but the CDOT webcam on hwy 65 next to Mesa Top parking lot showed a wet highway at 4 p.m. - that tells me it was a wet sloppy snow that once it cools back down again will freeze hard as concrete. This storm acted more like a March or April storm. We need some cold temps to go with a good storm to get some decent conditions.

Kinda glad I'm too busy to ride right now. :face-icon-small-sad
Maybe riding tomorrow AM .. it was good this morning!

Ryan Smith:


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