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Alaska Pilgrimage 2013

The Fourth Wolf

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Lifetime Membership
Jan 8, 2008
Anchorage, AK
So I had a thought..."Wouldn't it be cool to host a SW forum ride for SW'rs who live "Outside" (AK term for the rest of Earth) And yeah, it would be cool, but how? Getting here is an expensive proposition. So I did a little research which I am about to share.

I've read enough posts about guys from the midwest or even the northeast who make an annual trip out west and thought what about the guys out west coming north for a week of lodge based big backcountry riding?

Up front it's not cheap but not nearly as crazy expensive as I thought.

Assuming guys paired up to defray costs you have three options: Drive, Ship sleds and fly up, or take the ferry. Each has pros and cons as follows~

1) Drive.
Assuming 4 riders sharing round trip costs for 1 vehicle
From Sweetgrass MT or Sumas WA to Anchorage is 2330 miles and 2150 miles respectively. I used round numbers~YMMV
-4,500 miles not counting driving to the border
-Average fuel range of 400 miles per tank = 12 tanks of fuel.
-Average cost per tank of $120 (US) = $3,000
-Then there's food, motels, beer over 7-8 days--figure $250 per day = $2,000

Costs in Alaska are another $1,500 each for vehicle/sled fuel, lodging and incidentals.

Estimated average cost = $2,750 a piece. (Plus travel to US/Can border)

Pros--It's a cool trip if you've never done it. Total autonomy. Ride where you want.
Cons--More travel/vacation time, possibility of vehicle/trailer issues, and of course, this option includes the very real probability you'll end up in Revy and not make the trip.:face-icon-small-win

2) Shipping sleds and flying up.
Assumes a local host with trailer space willing to haul you around.
I called Lynden freight for a quote yesterday. Their prices fluctuate with fuel costs but this is in the ball park.
-Two 10ft long mountain sleds crated together front to back fit in a 7'x11'x4' crate. Shipping from Tacoma, WA to Anchorage is $1,425 vs $815 shipped separately. The back haul is a bit cheaper at $1,050. 4 days guaranteed delivery each way.
-Crating for these dimensions in Tacoma runs around $150
-Average ticket from SeaTac to Anchorage is $400 in Feb & Mar
-$1,200 each for fuel, lodging and incidentals

Estimated average cost = $2,900 a piece.

Pros--Saved travel time. You have a local "guide"
Cons--Putting your baby on truck. Being dependant on your host to get around.

3) Taking the Ferry (Alaska Marine Highway System)

Except for Seattle & BC's coastal communities, not to many people outside of Alaska know there's a ferry that runs from Bellingham, WA to several port destinations in AK...including the road accessible towns of Haines, Valdez and Whittier.

Weight is not an issue but length of vehicle/trailer, including any protruding stuff (like the rear of a sled) is.

This assumes 6 riders in a suburban towing a 4 place trailer with 6 machines loaded sideways and alternated front to back to maximize trailer space.

Current fares from Bellingham to Whittier~Trip takes 5 days
-$547 per person OW or $1,094 RT
-$105/ft per vehicles over 21 feet (suburban (18.5') + 4 place trailer (26.5') = 45 feet or $4,725 OW or $9,450 (ouch) RT

So $1,100 + 1/6 of $9,450 ($1,575) + $1,200 for fuel/lodging and incidentals

Estimated average cost = $3,800 a piece. Haines and Valdez are cheaper but the incidentals go up

Pros--You're on a BOAT MFah's!! Prince William Sound is amazingly beautiful. You have total autonomy and can explore / side trips if you want.
Cons--The most expensive option and you're traveling 10 days. If the seas are rough it could be a miserable 5 days.

Bottom line: For 4 grand or less you and some buds could Ride AK

This is a serious offer for anyone who can swing it. I have a weird job schedule and don't work January through early April (awwww, poor wittle me)So, I will be happy to help you with the logistics and show you some snow. And, I'm sure we could scratch up a crew of locals to ensure you have a good time. Think mid February through early April.

Think about it.

Check out the Alaska Marine Highway System for more detailed info on the ferry. Two guys in a sled-deck equipped pickup going to Haines isn't a bad option but you still have another 750 miles to drive.
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 27, 2008
My brother-in-law and myself flew up last year and spent 5 days in Alaska. The sleds we used were lined up by a cousin who lives up there and we rented them for a pretty reasonable rate. The riding was unbelievable in every way!

If anyone is thinking about doing it...........................DO IT!!! The trip was awesome!!!!

The Fourth Wolf

Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jan 8, 2008
Anchorage, AK
Good point FatDog,

I totally forgot about the Fly/Rent option. Will do some calling around and add that info.

Where did you ride?


Well-known member
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Aug 14, 2002
Cons--More travel/vacation time, possibility of vehicle/trailer issues, and of course, this option includes the very real probability you'll end up in Revy and not make the trip.:face-icon-small-win
ha ha ha!

Fly option with renting sleds would probably be much cheaper, even at 150 a day rental.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 27, 2008
Good point FatDog,

I totally forgot about the Fly/Rent option. Will do some calling around and add that info.

Where did you ride?

One day at Turnagain Pass
One day at Hatcher's Pass
One day at Petersville

Turnagain and Hatcher's Pass were AWESOME!!!!! I highly recommend both of these areas to ride. Wide open, steep and deep!!! Petersville was not nearly as extreme, more closed in with trees and a winding river / creek. Fun but a different kind of fun.

I will definitely do it again as it was an awesome trip. We have a relative up there that is big into riding and was the best host and guide we could ask for!!! Next time, we talked about riding Turnagain, and Hatcher's again and we talked about going to Whittier which is featured in quite a few sled videos.

We lucked out as we have a connection up there which obviously helps with the $$$$$ end of it. Considering what fuel costs and the time to get there, I would recommend flying and renting once you get there. We booked our flights about four months in advance and got a pretty good deal round round trip.

Packing was fun, basically a half a bag of regular stuff and a the other half plus another bag with riding gear. It adds up quick but you can get creative with packing when you need to.

Again, if anyone is thinking about it............................DO IT, you will not regret it!!!

Matte Murder

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May 4, 2011
We thought about filling a container with sleds on open trailers and renting a truck up there. Can you rent a 4x4 rig with a hitch in AK? The travel time really kills me on a trip like this. Sea sick for 5 days would be ugly too. Is the road up paved all the way? Not so worried about the wear and tear on my truck as my trailer.

The Fourth Wolf

Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jan 8, 2008
Anchorage, AK
The drive through Canada is paved to Dawson Creek BC where you pick up the ALCAN. The ALCAN is mostly paved, but in winter the dirt sections are smooth. The worst part of the drive is the frost-heaves through the western Yukon and once you're in Alaska.

I've got calls into a few rental places about machines and prices.

Alaska Toy Rentals has Summit 800Rs listed for $325/day


Trucks and even trucks with slide-in campers can be rented.
Nov 28, 2007
Valdez Alaska
Biggest thing to remember about coming up to AK. Do it in the spring. About March/April.. We have sun then and better snow. Plus if you want the best riding you gots to come to Valdez.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Apr 21, 2011
Valdez, AK
I've driven from Valdez to West Yellowstone in 48 hours towing a four place fully loaded (four sleds, race fuel, etc.). Three guys driving around the clock. So your not out many days that way. If you can get two weeks off you can get seven to ten days of killer riding in while you are here. My preference is my sleds and driving but it's your dime.


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2007
6800km round trip from VernOn bc. That's a long way but maybe. Would be a fun trip.


Well-known member
Nov 27, 2007
renton wa.
Matte.Remko and Dan treadway drove up to i think valdez in 2010. he said 37 hours and big frost heaves (take a buddies truck) he wants to go agin unbealivable,check out the vids at i-90motorsports web.site


Active member
Jan 9, 2008
keep in mind that unless you only ride Valdez (which is, of course AWESOME!) you'll need to set-up your sleds for low elevations. We ride 0 (literally)-3500 ft mostly. And yes, smart asses, you can climber higher than 3500ft.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 25, 2007
I would be happy to show some riders the back side of Eureka..parking lot is 3000 ft...we have been as high as 8000ft..but most of the good stuff is 4500 to 6500 ft...we average 500 miles per weekend..most of it will be without ever crossing another track...





Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Apr 21, 2011
Valdez, AK
keep in mind that unless you only ride Valdez (which is, of course AWESOME!) you'll need to set-up your sleds for low elevations. We ride 0 (literally)-3500 ft mostly. And yes, smart asses, you can climber higher than 3500ft.

Even most Valdez riding is zero to 6K, with the trip over the glaciers 8 and more can be had. You could easily spend a month in Valdez alone and never cross another track.


New member
Nov 26, 2007
Houston, AK
I don't think you can rent from valley toy rentals anymore. Last time I was there they were trying to sell me some overpriced 800 summits, which of course I didn't bite on because they were expensive and because I don't care for the ski-doo engines due to reliability reasons.

That said, I've done some pretty good riding in Alaska. Two pictures come to mind:


That is about 300 yards from gunsite.


That is about 5500 feet riding lost lake. The lake in the picture is Kenai lake.

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