Finally got a chance to get sled out yesterday that I bought a week ago. It's a '99 MM 700 and did well on my 40 mile jaunt.
The only issue is I have three individual air filters at the carbs. The middle one is right against the steering shaft and after a couple miles of riding it always falls off. It's been "formed" to fit there but I can tell it has been an issue with previous owner as the hose clamp is worn out on that filter - can't tighten it down anymore. So I switched hose clamps and got it good and tight on the middle carb, but 10-15 miles later it was off again. Any suggestions on how to handle this?
The only issue is I have three individual air filters at the carbs. The middle one is right against the steering shaft and after a couple miles of riding it always falls off. It's been "formed" to fit there but I can tell it has been an issue with previous owner as the hose clamp is worn out on that filter - can't tighten it down anymore. So I switched hose clamps and got it good and tight on the middle carb, but 10-15 miles later it was off again. Any suggestions on how to handle this?