Just wanted everyone to know of the Yakima Ski-Bender Meeting Tuesday, November 1, 2011 @ the El Rincon in Yakima at 7pm.
This meeting will include the direction of the "left-over" Ahtanum Funds from the 2010-2011 season. As most are aware, with the Discover Pass there is no need to fund raise this season. With the thank-you letters sent out last early summer, the vote was (a majority) for a use of these funds to do an improvement in the Ahtanum riding area. We have basically came down to two proposals:
1) A warming "hut" or Yurt in the North Fork drainage. Locations discussed were the convention center (hard to engineer due to snow loads), Blue Lake intersection (not DNR lands) or the east lower end of Dead Hole (Hilton).
2) A new groomed route linking the Jackass road from where it turns from west direction to north direction (heading up) to link in with the North Fork Rd just across (and slightly above) the McClain Canyon/Whites Ridge intersection. The objective of this is to eliminate most of the use of the always melted off east end of Jackass open section. This route would improve a commonly used route/trail in that area, with minor re-routing out of the bottom of the swale. As of now, it is our indication that the DNR may be actually somewhat warm to this proposal-they have scouted it out already and I have talked to state parks and the groomer on this also. So far, no major objections. This re-route of an existing trail would add a month (at least) of season to a major portion of the Ahtanum area, and help keep traffic off of the paved road (note the new additional winter use parking created last summer -will people even use the lower park anymore?) The route would not become a full time road, just a winter access route wide enough to get a groomer through, and not a high speed route.
#2 seems to have the most "mojo" due to the 1 time lower cost and less future maintenance, plus it is an existing non-marked (marginal) snowmobile trail. This approach seems easier to implement, frankly. We would probably mark a best route this winter (ala Brent Rasmussen style
) and make the route passable next year. Our goal would be minimum tree removal and try to keep the camber as level as possible.
Both ideas are still up for discussion, however, and it is the donor groups final decision on which route we will pursue. We do have a limited amount of funds (around 3900) of which to pursue a project with.
The picture below thick red line is the existing route, the thin red line is the rough route of the proposed improvement. Where the routes join at the top would be where the existing trail heads north across the foundation creek basin, eventually ending up on top of Divide Ridge.
If you were a part of the cause over the last 2 years (any kind of support-funds, donations or otherwise) please join us if you can. The discussion will take place as part of the regular Ski-Bender meeting. The subject may also come up during the Yakima County Grooming Meeting the following evening, 11/02 @ 7pm at the backside of Naches Ranger Station. That committee may have open slots, also.

This meeting will include the direction of the "left-over" Ahtanum Funds from the 2010-2011 season. As most are aware, with the Discover Pass there is no need to fund raise this season. With the thank-you letters sent out last early summer, the vote was (a majority) for a use of these funds to do an improvement in the Ahtanum riding area. We have basically came down to two proposals:
1) A warming "hut" or Yurt in the North Fork drainage. Locations discussed were the convention center (hard to engineer due to snow loads), Blue Lake intersection (not DNR lands) or the east lower end of Dead Hole (Hilton).
2) A new groomed route linking the Jackass road from where it turns from west direction to north direction (heading up) to link in with the North Fork Rd just across (and slightly above) the McClain Canyon/Whites Ridge intersection. The objective of this is to eliminate most of the use of the always melted off east end of Jackass open section. This route would improve a commonly used route/trail in that area, with minor re-routing out of the bottom of the swale. As of now, it is our indication that the DNR may be actually somewhat warm to this proposal-they have scouted it out already and I have talked to state parks and the groomer on this also. So far, no major objections. This re-route of an existing trail would add a month (at least) of season to a major portion of the Ahtanum area, and help keep traffic off of the paved road (note the new additional winter use parking created last summer -will people even use the lower park anymore?) The route would not become a full time road, just a winter access route wide enough to get a groomer through, and not a high speed route.
#2 seems to have the most "mojo" due to the 1 time lower cost and less future maintenance, plus it is an existing non-marked (marginal) snowmobile trail. This approach seems easier to implement, frankly. We would probably mark a best route this winter (ala Brent Rasmussen style

Both ideas are still up for discussion, however, and it is the donor groups final decision on which route we will pursue. We do have a limited amount of funds (around 3900) of which to pursue a project with.
The picture below thick red line is the existing route, the thin red line is the rough route of the proposed improvement. Where the routes join at the top would be where the existing trail heads north across the foundation creek basin, eventually ending up on top of Divide Ridge.
If you were a part of the cause over the last 2 years (any kind of support-funds, donations or otherwise) please join us if you can. The discussion will take place as part of the regular Ski-Bender meeting. The subject may also come up during the Yakima County Grooming Meeting the following evening, 11/02 @ 7pm at the backside of Naches Ranger Station. That committee may have open slots, also.