I've finally got some time on the 900, rebuilt top end with less than 200 miles on it. I've been battling a lean conditon, which got a little better with a new fuel filter. I have a pewter/browish almost yellowish tan color,(Is that ok?) Im wondering if plugged injectors cause a lean condition? Also my fuel guage always reads full so im wondering if somethings going on in the fuel tank/sender? I am getting 50 PSI on fuel rail. Running an SLP air box and my idle has been acting a little funny, sometimes not idling down right away. TPS is set as of today with no dead spots.
Thanks for the help
I've finally got some time on the 900, rebuilt top end with less than 200 miles on it. I've been battling a lean conditon, which got a little better with a new fuel filter. I have a pewter/browish almost yellowish tan color,(Is that ok?) Im wondering if plugged injectors cause a lean condition? Also my fuel guage always reads full so im wondering if somethings going on in the fuel tank/sender? I am getting 50 PSI on fuel rail. Running an SLP air box and my idle has been acting a little funny, sometimes not idling down right away. TPS is set as of today with no dead spots.
Thanks for the help