I'm always a little leery about sleds with different hoods. May not be a big deal but could also mean it was in an accident or at the very least took a few tumbles down the hill. Also check the suspension, particularly the front as the A arms may be bent. Good luck.
I just found this out the hard way! $2.6k for a 07 M8 SP with 10k miles on it...must have been popped good and hard...front suspension parts are mix and match, I don't think the hood is original. I didn't examine it good enough, turns out the bulkhead is cracked MAJOR! It was covered in silicone and hidden pretty well under the pipes and plug wires. If you have the capability to rip into it yourself or have it looked at by someone that really knows what they are looking for prior to buying it do that!
P.S. - In my defense at least I checked the compression! It was 10:30pm and I had just driven 6 hours. It looked so effin cool I had to have it!
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