I thought I could link up with y'all until I saw the requirement above. Where do I take my better than average test? And is it a subjective test or does it have quantifiable parameters?
If you see me this weekend be sure to offer tips for my test!!!!
Haha test is total subjective. Judged by a panel of other semi-skilled mountain riders who consistently run out of talent at the moment of maximum inopportuness

Test will be on the mountain of course. Test will be at random points during the ride. We'll never announce "Test" but You'll know when the test begins the first time you think to yourself WTH did I get myself into...........don't worry we all get stuck and we all pitch in to dig em' out because you never know if the next pull is gonna be the one you pull up short on wether it was a talent issue, mechanical (Poo Guys) or if it were a bonified an acceptable problem like you were adjusting your purse so it didn't fall of your shoulder ...........