Why would exports need to be taxed? The US could be far more competitive on a global scale if the overall cost of our goods was less.
That's why I formed the sentence as a question. The new material required to make a wedgit, would it be taxed. And, then the only the final product not be taxed, only if it's exported.
Medicare and social security contributions are funded from the same sales tax.
Yha, it keeps saying no payroll tax, but I didn't see how payroll would be funded. I mean, does this mean that all citizens now get social security, or only the working ones that. And, how would thay know if you didn't file a tax return?
Taxes are collected one and only one way, finished new goods. At a 23% rate every citizen will pay less tax per year and the government has exactly the same amount of tax revenue as it does today. Illegal immigrants pay tax. No more "underground economy".
But, doesn't that mean people will just rebuilt things, and stop buying new? And, how bad will the illegal importation of un taxed items be. Don't forget the illegal sugar and rum imports that happened, when they created special taxes for them. Heck, they still run cigs and some alcohol. Like the fact that illegals will have to pay taxes, and everyone else.
Estimates suggest that upwards of 17 trillion US dollars are invested outside of our country to avoid our tax system. Talking about a stimulous. That money would all come back and we'd attrack foreign investment at levels never seen before.
But most of that will be financial investments, that could be made anywhere. But, they'll make them here, to avoid capital gains, then just take the profits out of the country. That won't create many/any jobs.
[/QUOTE]The pre-bates concept to make sure people living at poverty levels don't have to pay taxes is ingenious if you ask me. The FAQ on that site is really very interesting.[/QUOTE]
You'll have to have that, or the liberals won't bite. They can just keep increasing that without end. No one will make comparisons about how their getting more back than they pay in. Just an exemption rate. This won't get rid of the unwilling to work, they'll still have to be welfare.
The idea sounds good, but I see the unwilling to work already looking for loop holes. The drug dealers, and mob guys will pay taxes for a change. Like I said, I'm not against it, just a lot of questions.