Late up date.
Sled now has skid and track, have some steering issues to fix.
Put in an aftermarket post and it seems somewhere along the way I never checked that the flange was going the right way. Long story short, I need a new steering rod connector and the flange needs to be broken off and rewelded on the opposite side of the post. As it sits I turn right and skis go left.
got a 151x2 Pol track, had to cut out every third window to work with my extros. Had great luck drilling out each corner of the window, scoring with a blade and if needed a whack from chisel and hammer.
Got the drivers and track installed (after taking the chaincase off to do this). Tried to fit the skid without cutting anything but the tips hit the drivers, so off to the cutting the rails went.
Now the skid fit right in.
I was going to use those jbshocks measurements like everyone harped on....I measured and they had my new skid mounting farther forward in the tunnel then the old 121 and I would have been cutting a whole lot off the rails again. So I said F it and just used the old front mounts for an idea. Ended up of course rubbing like mad on the tunnel coolers. So I dropped the holes about half an inch, still had some rub so I went another half inch. Looks like there is plenty of room now. Felt like there was something rubbing way up front so I will get a better look with better light next time to see if there is something....then I fix it or nip the nubs on the paddles. Any thoughts?
Then it was time to mount up the rear brackets, which were all ready on the skid. Uncollapsed everything from getting the skid in and was able to lower the tunnel down onto the mounts. Lucky for my drill bit everything lined up with the old mount location I had planned to use before so I just had to rivet everything in. Big thanks to KSH for the use of his air gun!!!!!
Here is shot of my angle
Just a couple shots
Obviously I still need to add an anti-stab kit (gonna shop the classifieds so I don't have to drop a C-note). Also need a new rear bumper and I have to figure out a tunnel extension. I have one from maybe a 98 RMK but don't know that it will be long enough to take the tunnel from 121 to 151 lengths. So I gotta see how that sits and plan from there.
Other then the steering SNAFU I really just need to add fluids and pull on it till she fires. Well and add scratchers and figure out how to add some traction to the boards.