I had a red chrome windshield on my '03 900 and it lost a battle with a tree (windshield, not the sled). I ordered another one, but it was the real short one and I guess I'm getting old or something, because I think it's too cold. I want another chrome windshield (red chrome would be best, but I know they quit making them a while back) that is mid height, like the stock ones for the king cats. If you have your old KK stock chrome shield around, I may be interested in buying it. Let me know what you've got (especially if it's the red chrome) and maybe we can make a deal. I have 2 of the regular smoked ones already, so I'm really only looking for chrome or red.
Oh yeah, anybody want to buy a basically brand new low-profile red chrome windshield for a 1-M?
Oh yeah, anybody want to buy a basically brand new low-profile red chrome windshield for a 1-M?