Imo the 850 is the best sled polaris has produced but there have definitely been more issues than are acceptable. I would agree that the bearing issues are an easy remedy for 2020. It doesn't appear to be at this point, but if "some dude named dan" lol is right and the cylinder finish turns out to be a problem, it is a very big deal. Btw- Dan is a well respected motorhead who knows his stuff, although at times it seems as he is pushing his own motives which are the almighty $$$. My biggest concern longterm is the possible cylinder finish/piston wear issue. Which has really only been brought up by Dan but there are some top ends that have failed. That's why I'm glad to hear of these higher mileage motors. Hard to believe they can ride that much but there are a cpl of guys on hcs that say they have 5-6k on them already. Btw, Bigten is an avid hater on the polaris forums, it doesnt matter what the conversation is, he will find a way to bring about negativity into any thread.