Last week in Revy we had issues adding a 3rd rider to the group ride we had already setup with 2 of us the day before. With 2 of us the group ride worked flawless on Monday. Tuesday we had a friend join us with a 9R c/w a 7S gauge. He could not see our group ride on his screen at all. We tried several things: shut down and restarted all the 7S gauges, cleared past group rides he had on his gauge, no matter what we did he could not see our group ride or any others. A few hours later we tried it all again and then he was able to see our ride and join it, however he could not see us and we could not see him. Then all of a sudden he showed up as a 3rd rider in our group but just as an x with his name. The 7S would not show him ever moving from the sport that it briefly connected to our ride. The 2 of us that initially had the ride set up still worked properly that whole day. We never had any password setup that you need to join. Were we doing something wrong or is there an issue with his antenna or 7S gauge?