In our biz , commercial heating and air , we bill as the job progresses with nothing up front. Don't get paid for equiptment till it arrives on sight. Placing an order for approx 200k worth in a few days. It won't arrive for 6-8 weeks. Most vendors will work with you on payments for equipt but some don't so you have to float that until you can bill and it goes thru the customers billing cycle ie: 30 , 60 ,90 days. That can put quite a squeeze on operating capital.
We don't run on loans or lines of credit thank God but at some time we may need to , I hope that time never comes as I don't like the thought of it at all.
The company I worked for prior to starting my own ran on a $2mil line of credit that was bumping up against the limit from time to time and from what I understand that is very very common.
If that credit freezes up you are in a world of hurt and prob out of biz in my mind.
Scary times for sure but I say let the chips fall where they may and bail-out noone.
while we are at we need to fire with our votes all that supported this past bill current bill and the next one they try and run through the system.
I'm gonna go throw up now as what is going on in our counrty is making me ILL