Cmon dads---are you not going to take your sons or daughters to anything that is a powersports event ever agian??
Think this out--You are more likely to have them killed riding in the car with you than a event like this!!
What would it have accomplished if they canceled the show?? The police and medics could not have got in or out of the facility and the other 10,000 or so people that came to see the show would have been pissed off and they had their kids there. I would say that 98% of the paying customers had NO idea of what happened.
I have taken both of my boys to these type of events, monster trucks, tractor pulls, drag races, sprint cars, boat races etc. I am not going to stop talking them either and I hope they take their kids too. This had less chance of happening than being hit by lightening --Freak event. Let us not overreact here.
What they should do is a inrememberance of for the next shows.
My families condolences go out to the family of the boy!! I would feel terrible if this was my son as well, but would not stop enjoying myself with my family.
With these attitudes--You better not teach your sons to snowmobile--there is a much higher risk of them being killed out in the hills than at a Monster Jam. You all sound like a bunch of Liberal housewifes IMHO.
Now I have finished my rant!!