Tom - I appreciate the reply. Both PM and an email sent on your web site this past week. As I have bought 3 previous pairs, 2 for me and one for my son, obviously I like the product. That being said, I also expect a person to do what they say OR, take the innitiative to contact customer(s) if things change. I believe that is good customer service, rather than having the customer having to innitiate it. However, even after initiating contact by myself, and then not receiving a reply, causes concern. BTW, the PM on 10-18 at 7:15 PM was not replied to as well. Tom, I do not want to imply that you would screw me or anyone, my point is that communicating with the customer in a timely manner is part of good customer service. In this industry, I am used to waiting on most items, some far beyond what timeframe was promised. As long as the dealer communicates with me, I'm OK with it. No hard feelings on my part, love your product.