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$30.00 Washington "discovery Pass" State Land

I understand it is a share of gas tax based on a formula using the number of registered sleds and amount of fuel purchased (not sure how that number is calculated) and our sled licenseing fee.
If the $500,000 is accurate, that is ALOT of money to be cut and used for things it was never intended to be used for. I will be pissed if snoparks and access is not plowed while that money helps someone save on busfare!
According to the state parks website...

Who Pays to Maintain the Winter Recreation Program?
The program is funded solely by snowmobile registration fees, a percentage of the state fuel tax, Sno-Park permit revenue and thousands of volunteer hours. Snow removal, trail grooming, sanitation facilities, mapping, trail signs, safety education, enforcement and program administration are paid for by user dollars.

Isn't there more funding in the way of grants and other government money that is used for snowmobiling / grooming?

Is the 500k only from the gas tax?
My understanding is as with ATV it comes from fuel taxes, and registrations, sno park permits, but grooming, plowing etc is state park related, hence my "call me out if I'm wrong "
According to the state parks website...

Isn't there more funding in the way of grants and other government money that is used for snowmobiling / grooming?

Is the 500k only from the gas tax?

I did some more poking around and it looks like there are some state parks funds "sometimes" used for bathroom fascilities if the location is near a state park (Lake Easton in particular that I could find)....otherwise it looks like Gas and licensing/snopark permits.
I find it interesting that a annual snopark pass is $40....but we get a year of licensing AND the permit for $33.75. I don't know anyone not willing to pay double or triple if it ensured better/more frequent plowing, grooming and maintenance. But if the state is just going to rob the funds I would be happier paying zero!
The letter I received back on the 13th of July.

Good afternoon,

As most of you have already heard, our 2011/12 budget for the motorized winter recreation program is much smaller than it was last year. We are looking at nearly $500,000 less for the 2011/12 winter season. Snowmobile registrations this past winter were down significantly, we received less RTP dollars, due to the snow conditions we experienced less carry over than in years past and the RTP grants we have applied for we won’t have the results before November 2011.

Staff has been crunching numbers and strategizing along with requested assistance from Wayne Mohler, Sandy Sternod and Jim Russell about the budget situation and possible scenarios to make the necessary cuts as painless as possible. I don’t see any way to move forward without inflicting financial pain.

The scenarios we are considering are (not in any particular order):

1) Reduce the grooming season to 12 weeks (removing 2 weeks from both ends)

2) Reduce the season based on snow fall

3) Reduce miles by eliminating lesser used trails/spurs

4) 17% to 22% reduction across the board in grooming (reduced frequency)

5) A combination of 1 through 4

6) New ideas from you?

I know that this is extremely difficult to hear, especially with our economy already struggling. I strongly advise you to attend the Groomer meeting on Friday, August 5 and the Advisory Committee funding meeting on August 6. The Advisory Committee is going to have some very difficult decisions to make and your presence and input will be valuable. I would also recommend that you communicate this information with your Grooming Coordinators so that they can assist you in planning for the 2011/12 season.

Our current forecast by funding priority:

Priority 1 7% reduction

Priority 2 18% reduction

Priority 3 19% reduction

Priority 4 23% reduction

If you have another solution that we have not considered, please let me know as soon as possible so that we can include it with the other options for the Advisory Committees consideration.

I look forward to seeing you in August.

Pamela McConkey, Manager

Winter Recreation Program

P.O. Box 42650

Olympia, WA 98504
Yes, raise the amount of our licensing fee and ensure it will go 100% towards this....it looks like it would be an additional $13/sled to make up $500,000. 36,000 registered sleds in Wa.
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Yes, raise the amount of our licensing fee and ensure it will go 100% towards this....it looks like it would be an additional $13/sled to make up $500,000. 36,000 registered sleds in Wa.

And "trust" them on this. Also: how many register 2 or more sleds and only ask for 1 snopark permit
that has been "me" in the past.

Who Pays to Maintain the Winter Recreation Program?
The program is funded solely by snowmobile registration fees, a percentage of the state fuel tax, Sno-Park permit revenue and thousands of volunteer hours. Snow removal, trail grooming, sanitation facilities, mapping, trail signs, safety education, enforcement and program administration are paid for by user dollars

Once again they are getting this $30 from some who sled as I already have paid. now they will need $13 more. I see a familiar pattern here.
Do those thousands of volunteer hours qualify for a free discover pass? As it was written they should.
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Snowmobile registrations this past winter were down significantly, we received less RTP dollars, due to the snow conditions we experienced less carry over than in years past and the RTP grants we have applied for we won’t have the results before November 2011.
Can you explain what RTP dollars are and what RTP grants are (assuming there is a difference)? Or a link where I can find the information? Sorry..:face-icon-small-blu
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Looks like a good place for the Feds to start cutting, LOL. We should be able to fund this stuff at the state level IMO.

The RTP funds come from the FEDERAL gas tax just like some of our grooming funds come from the STATE gas tax. This is the tax that you pay on the gas used in your snowmobile or ATV or even your vehicle when you drive it on non-highway roads to get to your recreation areas. You have put money in the pot and the RTP Grant program is a way to get back the 18.4 cents per gallon that you have paid in. Sure the program could be dropped but you are still going to be paying federal gas taxes into it.

At the bottom of the page you link to check out the fact sheet at http://www.rco.wa.gov/documents/fact_sheets/RTP_fact_sheet.pdf and see how many groups in the state have utilized the RTP program to further their grooming dollars. It is easy as the match money is the money received from the state grooming dollars. The state has also applied for the last few years to help further the limited funds we receive for the snowmobile program.

If you re-read the first paragraph of the letter posted by msled you will see the reasons we are short money that might be normally anticipated. It isn't because the state decided to take money away from us. Fewer registrations as well as a heavy snowfall across the state making all the areas use their entire allotment of money so that the reserve is at a minimum.

We are simply getting to the point where we need to either raise our registration fee or pay for the SnoPark permit seperately as has been noted is higher than what we pay for registration alone and get a SnoPark permit with the registration. It is not a given that the state legislature will raise our fees as the last time around in 2001 it was a difficult task as legislators don't like it pointed out by opponents they have raised taxes or fees. Jetjohnso has pointed out several times over the years the need to raise the registration fees again.

WSSA has been working several years to remove the state gas tax cap and hasn't been successful but a lot of negotiations continue this summer.

The bottomline though is the state hasn't taken away funds earmarked for the snowmobile program, the reduction comes from other issues as stated in the first paragraph in the letter from Pamela McConkey.
Sno-Park seasonal permit holders: You do not need a Discover Pass to use a designated Sno-Park between Nov. 1 and March 31 for winter recreation activities. The Sno-Park permit exception does not apply to non-winter recreation activities.

A question I need to get answered is are the NON motorized bunch now exempt from the snopark requirement if they have a Discover pass which would result in a loss of $10 per person(actually $40 to the fund ) IF the greenies choose the Disc. pass instead. AND in this case will Disc. pass funds be forthcoming to the fund?

Simply stated, do they still need snopark? I'm hoping they do
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Registrations are down because more and more people simply can't afford to ride or have deamed it " not worth the money " and as fuel, rehistration, tax's go up they will continue to decline. It's simple...

I see the same thing happening with this pass, they will make it to expensive for enough families to justify ( not afford ) that the usage will drop funds will diminsh and they will end up closing parks do to a decline in usage.

I'm OK with paying for the work performed in the name of our sport, plowing, grooming, and facilities... As of right now those basics are not being met in the areas I ride, so what happens when the budgets get cut? No more work performed? So there should be no fee.

I think we should have a choice were our money goes... zero to transit for me please!! Put it all into schools and outdoor activities thank you.
RTP is the federal recreational trails program. The money comes from a portion of the federal gas tax.

The Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office administers the RTP grant program within our state.


The money comes from a portion of the federal gas tax.

which would make sense that snowpark permit is more expensive than registering a sled. who burns the gasoline? not snowshoe or X country skiers
There are bills in the legislature this year that would TWEAK this thing in different ways.Thought I'd let yo know of them....


Washington: Hearing Scheduled for Proposed Improvements

to the Discover Pass

In our alert last year, we reported about the new Discover Pass that is now required when accessing certain public lands in Washington by motor vehicle. House Bill 2217, sponsored by state Representatives Christopher Hurst (D-31), Cathy Dahlquist (R-31) and Dan Kristiansen (R-39), would make necessary improvements to the taxing Discover Pass. To learn what areas of land the pass is now required for access, please see this excerpt from the Discover Pass’ website:

The pass allows access to state recreation lands and water access sites managed by Washington State Parks (State Parks), Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) and Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR). These lands include state parks, water access points, heritage sites, wildlife and natural areas, trails and trailheads. The Discover Pass will be needed to access DNR’s developed or designated recreation areas, sites, trailheads and parking areas.

HB 2217 would allow the annual pass and day-use pass to be transferable among vehicles registered at the same address as current law restricts each pass to one vehicle/license plate only. Additionally, it would prohibit the collection of dealer fees for the issuance of a Discover Pass (the current dealer fee is $2.00).

HB 2217 will be heard in the state House Committee on General Government Appropriations & Oversight at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 26th, in Hearing Room C of the John L. O’Brien Building in Olympia. Please contact members of the House Committee on General Government Appropriations & Oversight TODAY and respectfully urge them to support HB 2217. Also, please leave your state Representative a short message on the toll-free hotline at 1-800-562-6000 and request their support. To determine your state Representative, please click here. The contact information for the members of the Committee on General Government Appropriations & Oversight has been provided for you below:



THERE are also THESE out there!!! letters of support would be good

Dec 8 First reading, referred to Energy, Natural Resources & Marine Waters. (View Original Bill)
Jan 9 By resolution, reintroduced and retained in present status.


HB 2187 Jan 9 First reading, referred to Agriculture & Natural Resources

WOULD make your DFW access pass GOOD ENOUGH for DNR Lands
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