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3 computer models snow 1-5 FEB


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3 Computer models have been saying snow first week of February. The model prediction has been "strong" for several days now.

Should we believe the prediction?

Another dry week ahead is expected for California while week two models still beat with the promise of some snowfall during the 1st week of February…..

Thursday January 23, 2014

Posted at 9:19 am by Howard

While near record high temperatures occurred in the Owens Valley this week and short-term models spend their time determining how much warming or cooling is expected each and every day going forward, a pattern of transition is expected the end of the month into the first week of February. The Dweebs have been reluctant to stick their necks out and say that the change will bring snowfall. However, I think that it is not unreasonable to believe that before the end of that 1st week of February, that at least some snowfall will bless our area with light to possibly moderate amounts.


Expect high cloudiness today due to a small weather system back dooring the sierra as it moves east to west off shore. The system will head up the coast toward Canada Friday. Some light snow showers or flurries may occur tonight. It will be about 10 degrees cooler today and slightly warmer tomorrow. Expect strong inversions to return by the end of the weekend. Some gusty winds will likely continue over the upper elevations the next few days.

In case you have not noticed…the days are getting longer and the sun is in return to equinox. For this winter, this is not a bad thought as I have hopes that the current pattern that is entrenched, will get broken up by an increasing amount of differential heating as the North American continent slowly begins to warm in February. Breaking the legs of drought structure is a concept that is simple in thought. However, every month has its own climatology and is effected differently by the variables of Air/Sea/Solar/tropical convection/snow cover and the upper level wind systems that come together for a single days weather.

Sensible Weather:

The weekend will be a fair one, with highs in the upper 40s for the most part ,then low to mid 50s by mid-week. Nights will be in the upper teens tonight…then moderate back into the 20s this weekend.

By next week toward the Super Bowl weekend we should have much better visibility from a weather perspective on how this new pattern will affect California Weather. Will it dumps for days?….or will we just get wind and light snow……Stay tuned….

Although the next Sunday is Super Sunday…..out in the west The Ground Hog will take center stage…after all, is he not the greatest prognosticator?

Dr Howard and the Dweebs……………………….:-)
.- See more at: http://mammothweather.com/#sthash.cilBLtdw.dpuf

This computer model predicts weather.

The middle is called the circle of death ... NO STORMS weather with no rain

FOR the WEST COAST PHASE 6 and 7 means a VERY serious increase of the likelihoood for a storm.



If anyone would post this as a picture I would be very grateful
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The above image shows 90% of forecast models declare a major moisture event in the next 15 days for the WEST COAST being in PHASE 6

The line is for about 40 days starting around 14 December and predicting for 15 days past 22 JAN 14

Phase diagram showing the evolution of the last 40 days of observations along with the 15 day ensemble GFS forecast. The yellow lines are the twenty ensemble members and the green line is the ensemble mean (thick-week 1, thin-week 2). The dark gray shading depicts 90% of the members fall in this area and the light gray shading indicates 50% of the members.

The circle in the middle is nicknamed the circle of death since it predicts no storms regardless of the other models saying it is gonna storm.

So this is very very good news .

So what is the bad news ... first it might be the "bias" in the models are so far off 90% of forecasts are completely wrong?

More realistic issue is what will be the level of snowfall? 3000 feet or 11000 feet?

Right now temp forecast for Tahoe is mid 40's during the day and mid 20's at night for FEB 1-2

What amount of snowfall?

Not sure
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Mammoth weather says 1-2 feet from 31 JAN to 2 FEB

Nat'l weather service says Mt Shasta 2-4 inches water next 7 days !

Just north of Tahoe ...you know who you are NWS says 1-3 inches water next 7 days !

Elko about an 1-2 inches water

It is raining here in Los ANgeles ... not even forecasted to rain !

mammoth comment !

While a Moderate Storm is brewing on the Horizon…Partly cloudy skies along with warmer daytime temps expected through mid week….


Sunday January 26, 2014

Posted at 10:21 am by Howard

Yes…the Dweebs did say snow. That was not a mistake….

Best guess at the moment….12 to 18 inches over the Crest between Thursday and Sunday

Here is what’s happening.

Powerhouse storm in the central pacific with an earlier 180Knott upper jet was responsible for huge waves this past week along the Ca coast. By the time that storm gets into California later Thursday and Friday, 31 JAN 1 FEB it will be but a mere fraction of its former strength. Why?? You guessed it.. It runs into wall of high pressure. The upper ridge that has been with us all January is taking its toll on that storm. However all is not lost. The Storm will be responsible for splitting the upper ridge into two parts. One that will remain over Southern Ca Wednesday and the other that gets pushed up over Alaska at the same time. So what we have a sort of a weak break through of the westerlies underneath that AK block and the remaining part of the upper high over Southern Ca. That southern portion gets suppressed to the south in response to the approaching and may I add weakening wave. There is another wave that will follows Saturday afternoon from the NNW bringing snow showers.

This all gets accomplished by the fact that the Hudson Bay low shifts east enough for the wave length to extend enough east for this to happen. The main point I want to make is what happens after the weekend. What happens after words is that the AK block redevelops west (retrogression) and a -WPO develops near the date line. This in turn pumps up an eastern pacific ridge further west of where it has been. So the pattern change is associated with significant retrogression and the models are struggling on where to place the Eastern Pacific Ridge…..which will have profound effects to CA weather.
.- See more at: http://mammothweather.com/#sthash.670NBp6j.dpuf


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I'm feeling another bent a-arm coming. Hope its the right side this time. Haha
Mammoth forecaster thinks about one foot in MAMMOTH 30to 1 FEB Thursday to Friday. Also forecasting "end of storm Sunday Monday" to miss Mammoth and maybe hit central or SOCAL.

While a Moderate Storm is brewing on the Horizon…Partly cloudy skies along with warmer daytime temps expected through mid week….

Sunday January 26, 2014

Posted at 10:21 am by Howard

Quick Update Monday:

Here are the bullet points

1. This is for the most part a 24 hour storm.

a. Thursday Morning through Friday Morning.

2. It will begin warm with the freezing level at 10,000 feet late Wednesday Night
a. Main event for Mammoth is between 4:00am Thursday and 4:00pm Thursday
b. The Freezing level at 4:00 am over Mammoth will be 9500 feet. By 10:00am it drops to 8500. and by 4:00pm 7,000.
These are the freezing levels. The snow level is usually between 1,000 and 1500 feet lower.
So by 10:00am the snow level could be a high as 7500 or as low as 7000 feet. Snow to water ratios will be low.
Based upon the QPF we will be lucky to get a foot of cement at 10,000 feet However sierra cement is more important that
any kind of snow we could hope for!

Post stormy weather will be showery with little additional accumulations….possibly a few inches Friday and Saturday. The system following this one will be too far off shore when it heads south down the coast to be if benefit. Southern-California may get some of that.

Fantasy charts show the end of the warm weather as we have known it by Thursday. However, with the upper mid latitude ridge now forecasted to be out about 130 to 140 west….. NW sliders will keep mostly seasonal temps and windy weather more often than not, over the higher elevations next week.

Longest range has next significant storm about the 9th.

Happy Ground Hogs Day Sunday. Good chance he sees his shadow…..

Dr Howard and the Dweebs…………………:-)
.- See more at: http://mammothweather.com/#sthash.QGgGBw5g.dpuf
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Looks like 3 plus feet around CASTLE PEAK ...

Just a heads up on that.

A buddy of mine walked back there to ski on sunday and those protected north faces are holding a LOT of surface hoar and facets. Like inches and inches worth.

Pay close attention to the forecast over the next few days if you head out to those big treeless faces that have been holding snow.
Just a heads up on that.

A buddy of mine walked back there to ski on sunday and those protected north faces are holding a LOT of surface hoar and facets. Like inches and inches worth.

Pay close attention to the forecast over the next few days if you head out to those big treeless faces that have been holding snow.
Good to know. Anyone in that area needs to be EXTREMELY careful
Mammoth WEATHER REPORTING Tuesday afternoon the low pressure bringing in this storm will develop MUCH QUICKER AND MORE INTENSE.

This intensive low pressure will cause it to be COLDER & MORE SNOW at LOWER ELEVATIONS

Snowing on the Rubies 11PM Tuesday 28 Jan
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We are forecasted to get between 1 and 3 feet in the high elevations. 4-8 inches in the valley. I'm not holding my breath, but that would be amazing...
There are over 5 low pressure systems on the west coast ... 2 in NEVADA !

STORM is here and IF those low pressures merge tonight ... SNOW !


Expect is to be in the teens and 20's in the next 12-18 hours at 8000 feet.

There is a "second wave" on late SUNDAY 2 FEB but expected to dump into the ocean cause all those low pressures are going out to sea.
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Computer model calculating where the low pressures going to cause the dump !
So uh .... are those the same computer models that have predicted global warming? :p
So uh .... are those the same computer models that have predicted global warming? :p

Not sure but if you pay enough they can research it for you :rain::jaw::deadhorse::smow:

BTW what are they predicting locally for, riding areas there? Any good place to ride?
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