we have tested all combos and despite what people say about t-moton, they are mostly wrong. T-motion helps when sled is stopped or slow, once the track is moving it aint really moving the best way to make an expert easier and better to ride is put the DS3 ski on it, way bigger difference than putting the t-motion arm on it. The 32 is better than the 34 for sure, it so good which is why it is a hard decision to make between the sleds. But at the end of the day you will be less tired and need less input on the x than the expert, most people wont notice this as you just adapt to what you get use to and they are not going back and forth. Its just like riding a sled at 34 then going back to 35 or 36, you wont like it but if you ride it like that for a period of time you will just adapt. I personally still like the x as the 34 is still awesome and I am small and light so the x just makes the overall experience of riding more fun, I also can do anything on the x that i can do on the expert. I aint setting records out there so FUN is what i am after. A guys said the expert will panel out now when he rides 50-60 degree slopes. I had to laugh. no one is riding that steep, and also add that the 32 inch has 30% more of the track on the ground when sidehilling over previous as you have to tip it up less than previous. Either sled will be awesome!