So I thought I would take the opportunity to let guys know what I'm finding inside my 165+ hour YZ motor. It may have as many as 170 but whatever you get the point. At the end of last season I lost second gear and ended up riding my "B" ride for the remainder of the season. As expected the cog gears for second are worn and rounded off. As well the shift fork is bent by .5mm and twisted. It also has some pretty good wear on it. The remainder of the cog gears all look fine even though Yamaha changed them all for 2020. The cheapest repair would be replace the 2 gears and one shift fork. I scored a complete 2020 trans with 3 hours on it so I'm swapping the works. As for the FX 5th gear, buy the 2 gears and all new circlips and they slide right on. Instant close ratio YZ 1st-4th with a 15% FX 5th gear OD. Going to be awesome.
After all the crankshaft talk, mine at this hour level is still perfect and totally in spec. I bought a new one anyways because they are cheap but I would have no issues running the old one.
The cylinder has had one light hone at 80 hours and a new piston. It still measures good, another light hone and new piston, good to go doesn't even need a replate. Stock rocks. My cylinder guy says he can tell I've been doing enough oil changes by the lack of wear.
The head looks great for the hours. I dropped it off at my head guy for a port job to match the Hot Cams I'm going to run, new seals, check the guides. Good to go. Funny thing, head guy had the exact same comment about the oil changes as the cylinder guy.
The clutch is pooched. The frictions measure 3.01 mm which is 50% but it has been super hot at some point because the steels are a nice shade of blue, like as in really blue.
The starter clutch has gotten hot at some point as well, it seems to still be fine but it's getting a new one.
One of my trans bearings is rougher than I would like but overall the bearings in the bottom end seem great. It's getting all new bearings anyways, why would you not at this point.
Basically if your trans all seems fine, do top ends every 100 hours or less, run good oil and change oil in the 5-7 hour range and just ride the pi$$ out of it until the trans fails, I wouldn't crack the bottom end until it shows some reason to do it.
After all the crankshaft talk, mine at this hour level is still perfect and totally in spec. I bought a new one anyways because they are cheap but I would have no issues running the old one.
The cylinder has had one light hone at 80 hours and a new piston. It still measures good, another light hone and new piston, good to go doesn't even need a replate. Stock rocks. My cylinder guy says he can tell I've been doing enough oil changes by the lack of wear.
The head looks great for the hours. I dropped it off at my head guy for a port job to match the Hot Cams I'm going to run, new seals, check the guides. Good to go. Funny thing, head guy had the exact same comment about the oil changes as the cylinder guy.
The clutch is pooched. The frictions measure 3.01 mm which is 50% but it has been super hot at some point because the steels are a nice shade of blue, like as in really blue.
The starter clutch has gotten hot at some point as well, it seems to still be fine but it's getting a new one.
One of my trans bearings is rougher than I would like but overall the bearings in the bottom end seem great. It's getting all new bearings anyways, why would you not at this point.
Basically if your trans all seems fine, do top ends every 100 hours or less, run good oil and change oil in the 5-7 hour range and just ride the pi$$ out of it until the trans fails, I wouldn't crack the bottom end until it shows some reason to do it.