I would agree that low volume on a mid size sled would be an issue. I have asked for that and believe the first MFG to build one will own the market. The MFG are spending a lot of money protecting patent rights to block mid size imports from entering the US, and they don't even have a product that would compete with it. Yamaha and Cat are putting together joint ventures on other products, and if volume is the issue this could be an option to help all the MFG to grow the sport. Past history shows that affordable entry level sleds are possible (Indy Lite). If the mid size is so unobtainable there are other options. The current Polaris offering are tanks when compared to water-cooled 800 @ 408 pounds. Polaris has all the parts to build a 375 pound deep snow entry level sled with parts from the shelf. I don't understand how it would be so hard to offer this as a snow check only option. They are currently building to order with snow check so I know they could make this happen. Again the first MFG to offer this will own this market and pull other brand loyalist to their brand.
Ski-Doo tried that years ago with the Freestyle and it was a complete failure sales wise (according to Ski-Doo). I'm going off memory but I believe they had said it sold about 35% of predicted sales volume that they has estimated and was not a viable option for the market. The article said the same thing everyone here is saying. Their sales team thought it would be a killer market because no company was in it yet. Well there was a reason no company was in it......The volume is not there. I will look for this article as it was an interesting read.
Over the summer we picked up 2015 600 RMK 155 with only 700 miles for $5300 for a young friend just getting into the sport. Last season we took him out 3 times on a older REV 600 Summit 144 and it worked perfect to show them the sport. I believe those were close to 500 lbs and at no time did weight come into the conversation for a new rider. I just can't understand why you would spend that same money on a no options base sled when you can get a clean used one that has all the options (including elec. start) for the same or less money.