Keep us updated on how that works out for you. My plan for now is to just run this sled fairly stock with a few tweaks. My riding crew has a habit of trying to find the ugliest, nastiest creek bottom available and laugh hysterically at whoever wrecks their sled. I've been riding turbos for the last 10 years, just time for a break. I've found that no matter how great your turbo is running it always takes more effort to ride it in situations like we're in. It's easier to grab a handful of stock power and be able to control where the sled is going than trying to feather the turbo into the right track speed for the occasion. Or better yet, it's easier on the sled to bash into a tree at stock speed than mach chicken turbo speed... as for the creek that looks a little too deep to get back out of with stock power, I think I've got a solution for that. More to come.