I like my controls on my bars and lit up ! I know I accidentally hit my hand warmer switch from time to time but I can SEE that.
In contrast a couple of weeks ago we got caught after Dark and my friend was riding his used buddy sled he had bought the week previous a 10 poo-dragon. Like all of these sleds "it's a ripper!" Anyways Of course I say let me try it. He had left the hand warmers on high- I know there's three little black un-lit switches on the black dash? I had to stop and pull out a flashlight becouse I could no longer hold on. FYI- THE HAND WARMERS WORK!! Did that thing come factory with no tacometer?
I don't know if it's my riding style or what, but I don't feel the need to get more forward. I find my telescopic bars handy and handle fine. Its nice we can have all these choices from all the brands to give us something that might suit our individual needs.