Very frustrating that we are essentially paying for accessories in duplication. Polaris needs to step it up for their Snow Check. They have some great options and we are ordering the sleds several months early. They should be able to put the panels we want on the sled. I'm not going to buy two sets of skis and panels for their price. Silly. Maybe the 4M should put together a part swap for the extras.
Note: Buying white or red skis is not a complete set! You have to supply your own skags (or pay more for them). This is from the notes section on the skis.
When you submit the order though it breaks down the skis and the carbides are added in. So even though it says skags are required and not included I believe the skis will come complete. This is what mine showed on the skis when I submited the order.
2877679-570 SKI RMK WIDE(SINGLE) WHITE $129.99
2877679-570 SKI RMK WIDE(SINGLE) WHITE $129.99
2875723 CARBIDE SKAG 3" 60DEG. 07 RMK $49.99