Hopefully someone can chime in; dealer, polaris tech keeping an eye on the posts, whomever.
1. If you add the colored skis do you still get the blck set? For an extra $359.99 I hope so. If not, why so much for the add?
2. Same goes for the different side panels do you also get the original black or white (LE) panels also?
3. What is the difference between the stock boards and the Burandt HD Powder Trac Boards? Appears the Burandts are coated black? What is the coating, paint, powder coat, anodized?
4. I really hesitate to ask this question for fear it will just open a can of worms and everyone will only focus on this question and not address the 3 above but here goes. What is Polaris doing to address the engine problems? I know all the brand loyalists will start screaming at me but trust me guys I've done the homework, I've read all the posts and have wittnessed it. People are just sticking their heads in the sand if they don't think this is an issue. I just want an honest answer. If they are addressing it, it would be nice to know. Tighter quality control or whatever, would just like to hear something from the horses mouth. If they are accepting the problems, which appears to be manufacturing issues, and offering the extended warranty to cover the defaults then just state that. If I'm going to drop $13K on a new sled, this is not an unreasonable question by any means.
1. If you add the colored skis do you still get the blck set? For an extra $359.99 I hope so. If not, why so much for the add?
2. Same goes for the different side panels do you also get the original black or white (LE) panels also?
3. What is the difference between the stock boards and the Burandt HD Powder Trac Boards? Appears the Burandts are coated black? What is the coating, paint, powder coat, anodized?
4. I really hesitate to ask this question for fear it will just open a can of worms and everyone will only focus on this question and not address the 3 above but here goes. What is Polaris doing to address the engine problems? I know all the brand loyalists will start screaming at me but trust me guys I've done the homework, I've read all the posts and have wittnessed it. People are just sticking their heads in the sand if they don't think this is an issue. I just want an honest answer. If they are addressing it, it would be nice to know. Tighter quality control or whatever, would just like to hear something from the horses mouth. If they are accepting the problems, which appears to be manufacturing issues, and offering the extended warranty to cover the defaults then just state that. If I'm going to drop $13K on a new sled, this is not an unreasonable question by any means.