For any peekers interested in some info.
In addition to this info i also opted for the titanium clutch weight pins and main clutch bolt. It is scary how light the main clutch bolt is, i should have some measurements tonight.
The stock Polaris primary clutch cover weights (some will vary) 400 grams. The 6 bolts that hold the stock cover on weight approx 100 grams for a total of: 500 total grams
The Patrick Custom Carbon Polaris cover weights (will very only 5 grams either way) 184 grams. The 6 titanium replacement bolts only weigh 36 grams for a total of: 220 total grams
This saves 280 grams of spinning weight!!
Our design of the carbon fiber covers make them as strong or stronger that the original covers. The tests we have done show the Carbon fiber covers to have an inside out deflection of .025 at 900LBS. At the max clutch spring available of a 375 LBS spring we show an inside out deflection of only .012- .015.
The Patrick Custom Carbon Clutch covers have passed an industry standard test of 100 hours of straight clutch shifting with no issues the first time!! After re-testing the deflection rate we found that the cover lost no strength. So longevity is a non-issue. The best part about this Carbon Fiber cover is it can be used on any snowmobile for many years, you could even keep the same cover for your numerous new Polaris sleds for many years!! Just don’t sell it with one on!!
Price: $650.00