We have a 2011 Ram 2500 we bought new with the 6 speed manual. This was the first new truck I had ever bought so I wanted to keep the warranty. That lasted until around 9,000 miles when I couldn't take the 14 mpg empty any more. When we went hunting a were just crawling along on 2-track the dpf was constantly plugging, when it got cold if you let it idle to long it would throw a code and the dpf would plug up. If you took off to soon when it was cold it would throw a code. I made a call to Sinister Diesel and got an H&S tuner, 5" turbo back, dpf delete exhaust, cold air kit and egr delete. The first trip netted 19.8 mpg. If you keep it around 75-80 with the tuner on the high setting it's generally around 22 running fairly flat ground with little to no head or cross winds. I took it to the dealer for a cracked fuel filter housing and while the service manager gave me an ear full about no warranty the mechanic said that was the best thing I could have done for that truck as about 95% of what he worked on was emissions system related. When I pulled the egr crap off at 9,000 miles there was already an 1/8" to 3/16" of soot coating the inside of the intake tube.
yes your dash is way off after the deletes and tune........................
and then you hand calculated it at 14-17 mpg, right?
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